It seems like the Brooklyn car mechanic accused of stealing Kirsten Dunst's Balenciaga has got nothing more to lose. His new defense is that he's a "little mongoloid," and is friends with a drug dealer. (NY Post)
This woman got fired for "being too hot." Great, let's just add that to the list of gender equality issues in the work place. Woo women's rights! (Asylum)
Did you see the movie Post Grad? Neither did we, but it was about a recent grad who couldn't find a job. Cheerful? No. But there's good news: find out why things may be looking up financially for New York teens. (City Room)
Artist Pete Johnson's Douche series is effin' hilarious, and this one may take the cake: It's a Park Slope douche-bag! (Gothamist)
Former Spring Awakening star and current Glee heartthrob Jonathan Groff got a five inch scar on his arm from the crazy dancing scene that appears in the season finale. Acting is hard! (Daily Mail)