What first comes to mind when you think of "Seinfeld" fashion? Perhaps it's Elaine's amazing collection of floral-print dresses that are now oh-so-hot or maybe how strangely prescient George Costanza's style choices were. Maybe you just get stuck on the pirate shirt. Whatever it is, it's probably not Jerry's shoes, which you most likely assume are the same pair of white Nikes every episode, simply matched with another pair of ironed skinny whitewashed jeans and a silk jewel-toned shirt (funny, Mr. Seinfeld may be, but stylish… not so much). Well, surprise, surprise, Complex magazine has identified at least 50 (yes, five-oh) different kinds of Nike high tops Jerry wore throughout the seven seasons of the show, a collection that would challenge any fashion editor's Loubou menagerie for sure. While it would take a true sneakerhead to divine any one model from the next, peering through this gallery really opens up a side of Seinfeld, the man and the series, we'd never considered before—the obsessive Imelda-Marcos style fashion collector. No wonder the sitcom's cameras never took you into Jerry's closet. (Complex)