There’s Now A Dating Site For The Truly, Extremely, Annoyingly Pretentious

Since we're constantly bombarded with the lovable oafs from Jersey Shore and other choice morsels, it can be easy to forget that tools and d-bags don't necessarily wear Ed Hardy. Indeed, as anyone who frequents Brooklyn knows, these frustrating examples of humanity also sport plaid, granny glasses, and moustaches (excuse our hyperbole). Even the toe-curling-ly pretentious need love too, which was the impetus behind new dating site N + 1 Personals. The website's credo reads "we are true believers in love, especially that which is fostered over books and, uh, beer," and while we certainly approve of snagging a mate whose idea of good reading is more Murakami and less People Magazine, isn't most of the fun on that awkward first date the moment when you realize you both love the same semi-obscure stuff? So, to the "28-year-old toiler in the culture industry mumming something approaching stoicism" and the girl who says that "socialists and anarchists are equally fine, but if you're in the middle you might have to justify it," you don't need to give it all away in the ad—save some surprises for later, guys! Disagree with our harsh assessment? Feel free to debate in the comments, and click here to find that special someone who also loves Russian Futurism and gluten-free gluten.

Photo: Via N + 1 Personals.

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