Thinking Of Hooking Up On Halloween? Read This First

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
Unfortunately, most of us have probably moved on from the age when trick-or-treating is still on the Halloween agenda, and have graduated onwards to costume parties. Many of us may also have moved on to Halloween movie marathons — perhaps the original Netflix-and-chill. But if you're planning on hooking up, you should probably consider a pretty substantial statistic. According to data that Plan B shared with Refinery29, sales for emergency contraception tend to spike during Halloween. Apparently, the day after Halloween was the seventh-highest sales day for morning-after pills in 2015. The data comprised the whole of the emergency contraception category, including Plan B and other over-the-counter contraceptives, such as generic brands like Take Action. In other words, a whole lot of us were hooking up last Halloween — and then getting the morning-after pill. Which means that it's all the better, then, that Plan B and similar drugs have become so much more accessible in recent years. However, safe sex should always come first, since Plan B can't protect against STIs. Also, Plan B doesn't exactly come cheap, so if you're thinking of spending a cozy night in with a date this Halloween weekend (or any weekend, really), come prepared — and you might just save yourself a stressful pharmacy trip, à la Master of None.
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