“Know No Violence” is a breezy jam that’s more complex and compelling than it had any need to be. Underneath reverb-infused guitar and summer-sun crooning, there’s a psych-rock sensibility that oversees melodic left turns and odd minor-key harmonics. Like the Unicorns or Little Joy, two bands whose records I've come back to summer after summer, “Know No Violence” feels effortless, but never trifling—a difficult balance to pull off when Spanish Prisoners’ sound tends to lean toward the chiller end of the musical spectrum. “Know No Violence” will no doubt drift over afternoon barbecues and sangria-soaked evenings for the remainder of this summer, but it could also be one of those tracks that becomes synonymous with summers yet to come. (Visitation Rites via Altered Zones)
Spanish Prisoners—Gold Fools
"Know No Violence"
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