3 Perfect Weekends From NYC To Palm Springs

When we're planning a trip to a new city, we look everywhere for advice. Yelp, TripAdvisor, local sites, even Lonely Planet if we're really committed. It can be a lot of work, but sometimes that's what you have to do to answer the million-dollar travel question: Where do locals really go? Unless, of course, you know these mad-stylish locals — decor pro Sarah Yates, photographer Karen Mordechai, and graphic designer Kate Arends — and have the inside track on just the right wine to take on your spur-of-the-moment adventure.
We asked the creative locals to share their one-of-a-kind takes on the perfect weekend in the cities they know and love: Minneapolis, Palm Springs, and our own home base, NYC. And, thanks to Kendall-Jackson AVANT®, we had the perfect wine for every one of these adventures (think waterfall picnics and backyard barbecues). So, whether you're planning a trip or want some staycation inspiration, take a tour with us for another look at the places these cool girls call home.

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