8 Time-Saving Ways To Get Great Skin

In an ideal world, we'd tumble into our beds each night only after a thorough round of head-to-toe cleansing, exfoliating, toning, tightening, and moisturizing. Unfortunately, thanks to a little thing called, well, “having a life,” anything more than a quick cleanse (if that) is a little too ambitious, given our busy schedules. And, let’s be real: It’s easy for our skin to take the backseat when there are promotions to pursue and Netflix queues life goals to conquer.
Before you resign yourself to dull, coarse skin forever (banish the thought!), consider this: What if we said you didn’t have to choose? We’ve gathered eight expert-approved tips to pamper your epidermis like it deserves — all without sacrificing any precious minutes when you could be saving the world (or, at the very least, catching extra ZZZs). You and your skin are about to be a whole lot happier, trust.

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