15 Carry-On Essentials You Need For Holiday Travel

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
If you're anything like us, packing is likely at the very end of the long checklist of things to get out of the way before heading on vacation. By the time we've sorted out our travel documents, wrapped up outstanding tasks at the office, and prepped our apartments, there's hardly anytime left to properly organize our belongings. Our carry-on bags basically consist of a bunch of excess items we couldn't cram into our checked luggage.
This haphazard approach also means that we've suffered quite a few mishaps at the airport, from accidentally packing restricted goods to leaving out some important items. To help you survive all the packing you'll be doing for the holidays, we've put together a list of everything that shouldn't be left out of your carry-on. Click through for 15 life-saving picks that will make your long haul flights (and even those quick trips) much more enjoyable.

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