7 Popular Foods That Deserve A Permanent Spot In Your Pantry

You don’t have to tell us twice that food crazes have a tendency to come and go. One minute it’s tempeh and wheatgrass shots, and then — poof! — onto the next. But what about the snacks and ingredients that continue to be used and loved by foodies everywhere? Lauded for both their health benefits and the sheer versatility they offer, we’ve rounded up seven popular, all-natural foods that deserve a permanent spot in your pantry.
Whether it's your first time adding these foodie faves to your routine or you simply want some new ways to try 'em, we've got you covered. We partnered up with LÄRABAR to show you just how many creative, easy ways there are to enjoy these delicious dietary heroes — from livening up a boring smoothie or salad to subbing them for less-nutritious options. Forget the trends, these snack-worthy staples have staying power.

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