Photo: Courtesy of NBC; Photo: Darren Michales/Warner Bros; Photo: Via Sonja Flemming/CBS
That diatribe aside, David Walton is super-cute, and who doesn’t love an actor tasked with pulling
off "sexy contractor?" Plus, his dad is played by Jeffrey "George Bluth" Tambor. We could talk about the
Arrested Development movie over breakfast the next morning!
If I had to name just the most egregious offender of the bunch, however, I’d definitely pick Oleg. The
smarmy, stereotypical Russian cook’s body hair alone is enough to garner the diner an F from the Health
Department. He also goes head-to-head with Max in each episode when it comes to his “insert disgusting
sexual comment here” “jokes.” In fact, if he could read that last sentence, he’d have a few things to say
about going head-to-head with Max. Do svidaniya, Oleg.