Your 2025 Valentine’s Day Tarot Reading

Hand pulling tarot cards
Photographed by Megan Madden.
Even if you think it’s a capitalistic grab or just a lame holiday, Valentine’s Day isn’t going anywhere. (And you might even be one of the die-hard romantics who truly loves it.) So, we’ve asked a higher power to help us out. 
Tarot is more than just a deck of fun, gorgeous cards, it’s a form of divination used to give us insights into the past, present, and future across an array of topics. Including love! And while they’re not here to predict our future, they can offer us guidance and information.
We sat down with Sarah Potter, a tarot reader, professional witch, and color magic practitioner based in New York City, for a reading specifically tailored to Refinery29 readers and what’s to come for the lovey-dovey holiday. “Valentine’s Day is a day about celebrating and honoring love in all of its forms,” she says. “Not just our romantic connections but our friendships, the people who feel like family, and the way we love ourselves.” 
Read on to find out what your love life is in store for this Valentine’s Day — and a special card pull for Fire, Water, Air, and Earth signs — and how you can put the loving, possibly horny, energy to good use.

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