7 Places To Stalk For The Best Vintage Jewelry

Save for trendy chokers and, well, anything spiked, jewelry doesn’t exactly go out of style in six-month cycles like the latest It bag or the season’s must-have shoes. We could very well throw on the same necklaces, bracelets, and rings day in and day out, which means it’s easy for our rotation to feel a little tired after a while. So what's the best way to spruce things up? Go vintage.
Similar to shopping for vintage clothing, one of the best parts of finding the perfect thrifted pair of earrings or strand of pearls is that you can be pretty sure no one else will have it. Because if you're going to wear something every single day, don't you want to make sure it's unique? Sure, it may take a bit of patience, research, and digging to find the vintage pieces right for you, but the seven retailers ahead are a solid-gold place to start. No matter what decade or look you fancy, the world of vintage jewelry is stacked with options. Click ahead to see what we mean.