7 Tips Every Bride Needs To Read

Illustrated by Alex Marino.
The stories keep popping up on my feed. “50 things all brides should do the week of their wedding.” “100 gajillion things you’re doing wrong when wedding planning.” “A tub load of things your wedding guests will literally HATE.” And so on. Enough. Stop it.
I’m not losing sleep about forgetting the 20 things brides apparently always forget. Bouquet adornments (#1!) are just not that high on my priority list. In fact, in general, I’ve been surprisingly chill (for myself...) about the whole wedding-planning thing since getting engaged in March. I just want everyone I love, including myself, to be happy. That’s intangible, and, let’s face it, a lot more difficult to orchestrate than the perfect reception entrance, the dream tablescape, or the cute signature-cocktail table. But most of us, at least theoretically, agree that happy is more important than perfect.
Your family, friends, fiancé(e), finances, and even the well-meaning glossy bridal mags can all be major sources of stress in the months leading up to your wedding. You can chuck it all and elope in Vegas, or you can hone a more laid-back approach. I like to think that I know a thing or two about this approach. So stop reading all those articles about what you’re doing wrong, and instead check out the tips ahead and breathe.

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