Your Horoscope This Week: April 17th to 23rd, 2022


We begin this week recovering from the full moon in Libra, a moon that marks the close of the eclipse cycle that began in November 2021 with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus followed by the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in December 2021. It’s a week that invites us to reflect on what has transpired within us and between us during that time, a week that helps us prepare for the new cycle: the solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus. The square to Pluto that the full moon made on the 16th heightens the tension and the feeling of urgency — even if there are no imminent or apparent issues. It’s a good thing that Mercury is in Taurus and makes a sextile to Venus on the 17th before aligning with Uranus on the 18th, reminding us to slow down and stay connected — to take it one day at a time no matter how rushed things seem. Venus makes a sextile to Uranus on the 18th as well, a two-sided aspect. On one hand, it’s a reminder that what feels like chaos now may lend itself to a greater harmony. On the other hand, in the midst of war and civil unrest, the aspect does have echoes of Yeats’ Easter 1916: “Transformed utterly:/ A terrible beauty is born.” The Sun in Aries making a square to Pluto in Capricorn on the same day lends a great deal of veracity to the latter hand. The Sun’s ingress into Taurus might prove encouraging, a steadying energy that leads us toward the last-quarter moon in Aquarius on the 23rd: persevering and hopeful against all odds because the odds are not as fixed as they seem.

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