Your Horoscope This Week: November 27th To December 3rd, 2022

A conceptual illustration of a woman representing the Sagittarius astrological sign
The week ahead is going to be emotionally intense.
Mars retrograde in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius harmonize on November 28th, creating a dominant atmosphere in relationships that urges people to take control of matters and each other. Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde while aspecting Saturn on November 29th, which can lead to tremendous fights. So take care to step back from having to win the battle in order to prevent fallout.
Mercury squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces on December 1st, mending the dramatic situations from November 29th. The same day, Venus opposes Mars retrograde and connects with Saturn, offering a fresh start within partnerships.
Neptune turns direct on December 3rd in Pisces, ending the backwards journey that began on June 28th. Now that we’ve woken up from the dream and seen the truth, it’s time to proceed with open eyes and hearts. 
The only way through this week is to be honest with yourself. Think about what you want. After all, it’s your life — you get to decide how to move toward.

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