These 8 Kooky Food Habits Are Known To Cause Serious Internet Rage

Illustrated by Louise Cannell.
We all have our own strong opinions when it comes to food: what to eat, when to eat, where to eat, and — maybe most intensely — how to eat. And by how, we literally mean the physical manner in which our food is consumed. Even though we're currently reveling in the heyday of weirdly wonderful edible combos (Naked Chicken Chalupas, unicorn macarons, doughnut grilled cheeses, and too many more to mention), there are some eats that remain sacred. (Like seriously do not mess with them or you will accidentally start a Twitter war, sacred.)
Think we're being a bit dramatic? Well then just picture this: You sit down to join enjoy a bowl of cereal one morning with your new roomie — and instead of pouring milk into the bowl, they dump in OJ and slurp away. Or perhaps your office throws a surprise pizza party on Friday — and you watch as your coworker slowly munches their slice, crust first. Snap a pic, and before you know it, the entire Internet will have weighed in. It's true, none of these food habits are actually that extreme in theory — they are just off enough that witnessing them IRL has the ability to make us do a double take.
Sure, if drinking OJ with your cereal really makes you happy, we're not judging. We can definitely think of some food habits of our own that have garnered more than a few skeptical looks. Though, we can't help but feel that The Ice Truck Killer from Dexter probably would have eaten his candy bar with a knife and fork — so do with that what you will.
We've rounded up eight seriously strange food habits that have have sent shivers down many a Twitter user's spine — so click on to join in and let us know where you stand in the comments.

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