Our love for the Standard Hotel's empire and all things Andre Balazs is well documented, so naturally we've been waiting with bated breath for the release of the first book from their publishing house "Standard Press." Renaissance man and artist Andrew Kuo, the penultimate slashie—he's been everything from a band member to a blogger to a DJ to a NY Times contributor to an illustrator—put together this compilation of his projects and works, both old and new, titled What Me Worry (we gave you a preview back in October). It's a stimulating, intellectual read (not just pretty pictures), that makes for the perf gift for the man or woman who has everything. We're so excited about the book's release we're spreading the love with an exclusive giveaway—one reader will win a copy signed by the artist. We won't judge you if you keep it to yourself. To win, just "Like" this post on Facebook—we'll choose one lucky winner at random!
What Me Worry is available for sale at The Standard Hotel store, New York, 848 Washington Street (at West 13th Street); 212-645-4646; and at STND/OHWOW at The Standard, Miami Beach, 40 Island Avenue; Miami Beach; 305-673-1717.