What A Slow News Day At WWD Looks Like

We sometimes fall victim to slow days at work (on those occasions, this happens. Also, this.) But we got quite the chuckle at this Fashion Scoops article in WWD that's sandwiched between a Karl Lagerfeld for Hogan announcement and a Jeremy Scott interview:
"FAMOUS FRIENDS: A little seating glitch at the Zac Posen show Thursday helped Elle honchos Robbie Myers and Joe Zee better define the nature of their relationship. When there was no apparent seat for Zee, the magazine’s creative director, a public relations rep for Posen suspiciously studied both his and Myers’ invitations. Myers politely expressed a desire not only for Zee to be seated, but for the two well-known colleagues to sit together, as they always do. The p.r. searched for some kind of rationale: “Are you friends?” she asked."
Ha! Seating kerfuffles! It seems like we're all in agreement that this weekend could not come any faster. (WWD)

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