What You Think Your Cat Is Saying Vs. What’s Actually Happening

Cats cannot speak in an intelligible human language. It's important to remember that before you commit to this story. But, just because cats can't speak doesn't mean they don't think. Most, if not all, cat owners have at one point or another invented an inner monologue they believe their cat is having. And, that's just fine.
What's incredible about the feline range of emotion is that, though they have many feelings, they convey them with such subtle facial expressions. So, sometimes it's hard to tell exactly what your cat is thinking. Are they tired? Or is this the day they're plotting to finally kill me in my sleep? You're not alone. So, we've taken the liberty of translating 16 different expressions to shed some light on what you're probably experiencing. Are we qualified to do this? Absolutely not. But, we did it anyway.

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