Okay, we know the GIF-centric Tumblr craze is getting a bit out of hand, with the #whenin and the #whatshouldwecallme (or our personal fave #realtalkfromyoureditor) sites taking the web by storm. But when we recently stumbled on the latest S.F.-appointed iteration, we had to pause and peep — because well, it’s actually funny. Why does it solicit so many genuine LOLs? Maybe because most of the moving factoids are pretty (make that very) true! Whilst In S.F. covers (and animates) everything from the recent La Boulange/Starbucks uproar to San Franciscans’ impermeable attitude toward earthquakes. Naturally, we love every time-wasting second of it. As if we needed another workday distraction! Check it out for yourself and tell us what S.F. meme you think the site is missing in the comments.

Photo: Via Whilst In S.F.