What The View Through Rose-Colored Glasses Is Really Like

This grass really is greener (okay, pinker) when flipping trough Madelynn Furlong's Instagram handle, @wideeyedlegless. Hailing from Minneapolis, this Midwestern-based designer, stylist, and blogger is making a name for herself on the platform — extolling the virtues of a minimalist wardrobe through a series of softly lit, artfully simplistic 'grams that'll leave you rethinking your own feed and closet.
Opting for a largely black and white palette, Furlong fuses in small, but thoughtful touches of rose whenever the opportunity presents itself — be it blooming peonies, an Acne shopping bag, or a fruity ice pop. Dig her style? Let this pretty lady's less-is-more approach permeate your holiday weekend, if only for a minutes or two. If you like what you see, follow her 'grams for plenty more clever styling cues and shop a few of the pared-down looks ahead, too.
Photo: Via @wideeyedlegless.