Holiday Essentials To Buy For YOURSELF

When you’re racing around like a maniac trying to check everyone (and their mother) off your list, it can be easy to forget about yourself. Sure, this is the season of giving, but you've been good this year (well, marginally), and you deserve a gift from you, too.
You've been eyeing that multi-colored faux-fur scarf ever since you spotted your favorite street star wearing it, but do you really need it? What about those voluminous trousers? Are you ready to break from your go-to jeans and give that style a try? The answer is yes and yes. This guide will help you identify wearable ways to treat yourself, and help justify exactly why your closet needs each fanciful find. Fair warning: These are the dream wardrobe additions, which means they may come with some sticker shock. If they're not in the cards right now, hey, creating a wish list is free.