2 Work-Worthy Manicures That Every D.C. Gal Can Master

UPDATE: With fall right around the corner, we're rethinking our fashion and beauty looks for the upcoming season. These two office-friendly manis are perfect for transitioning into the cooler days ahead. This story was originally published on July 11, 2012.
If you're a busy gal, odds are you save the in-depth pampering — the deep conditioning, the lengthy pedis, maybe even a little sunless tanner application — for the weekends. A DIY nail-polish job falls in the same category — after all, these things take time — but it's a real bummer when Sunday night rolls around, and you have to wipe away the traces of your avant-garde artistry. Sigh.
Now, what if we told you we found some seriously cool manicures that could feel perfectly at home in a professional setting? It's true! On a recent afternoon, we convened with lacquer-loving bloggers from around D.C. to tap their tips on how to replicate their divine digits. Click through for step-by-step instructions for two super-cool manis, and get ready to wow your workplace (ever-so subtly!).

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