Spring Trends That Work For Work

It’s easy to fantasize about spring's dreamy runway offerings, but imagining them in your 9-to-5 can be a bit more challenging. Sure, that quirky Chanel dress might look killer on the model, but in your cubicle? That could be fodder for some serious water-cooler gossip. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate sartorial adventures into your office life; you just need a bit of styling finesse and a few careful tweaks.
We called on three working women with three very different dress codes — education reformer Hewette Moore, photography VP Laura Paterson, and attorney Atossa M. — to style fashion-forward, work-appropriate looks using key spring trends. Click through to uncover their tips for fitting these stylish, H.R.-approved ensembles into your daily rotation. Be warned: The outfits ahead might actually get you pumped to get out of bed at 7 a.m. tomorrow — for the first time ever.