8 New York Artists Who Could Be The Next Madonna

Once upon a time, Nicki Minaj was studying acting at LaGuardia High School; Madonna was a waitress at a Times Square Dunkin' Donuts (where she was fired for squirting jelly filling at customers); and Lady Gaga was a Sacred Heart girl named Stefani. Oh, to have known them way back when.
Sure, Minaj, Madge, and Mother Monster may have graduated from subway stops to international superstardom, but New York City is still bustling with ridiculously-talented young female musicians who want you to be their fans — no security details, barricades, or outrageously-priced Madison Square Garden concert tickets involved.
To bring you the freshest, coolest, New York-made music, we've scoured the five boroughs to discover eight amazingly-talented female artists. Throw on those headphones and kick back: Their tunes are bound to give you that little Monday pick-me-up you desperately need. 

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