The Best Holiday Gifts For Every Zodiac Sign

You pride yourself on giving gifts that your loved ones didn't realize they wanted, but, upon receiving, instantly, instinctively love. You fantasize about seeing their faces light up as they tear open the wrapping paper and unearth the treasure inside. The only problem is, right now you are completely stumped.
If your usual powers of deduction are proving useless at getting the perfect presents for those on your shopping list, you could always consult the stars. To be more precise, you could consult our go-to astrology experts, the AstroTwins, a.k.a. sisters Tali and Ophira Edut. With the holiday season in full swing, Tali gave us insight into each astrological sign's dominant traits and the under-the-tree treasures sure to entice them. Yes, we know each and every one of us is a unique little snowflake, but letting the zodiac sway you is as good a starting point as any.
Consider this your gift-giving cheat sheet. First step: Figuring out those exact birthdays....'

No matter who you're shopping for or what your budget is, Refinery29 has all the holiday picks you need right here.

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