Is This How You Spend Your Friday Nights?

Akilah Hughes — the twenty-something blogger behind It's Akilah, Obviously! — has pretty much won the Internet. When she's not studying improv at UCB, you can find her drunkenly reviewing young adult sagas or taking selfies of her increasingly large hair. You should probably follow her on Twitter.
I don't know about you, but Facebook's got me believing that everyone's going out, getting tipsy, meeting new friends, and dancing (oh, so much dancing!) every Friday night. I legitimately thought that once 7 p.m. hit, everyone else's lives transformed into Fun's music video for "We Are Young" while I went home & made friends with a bowl of ice cream. The reality is, however, that the more I probe my friends, the more we realize that none of us actually do that very often — or, you know, ever. More than likely, we're sitting at home, celebrating upcoming weekend by indulging in junk food, and binge-watching Netflix. C'est la vie.

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