Whew. It's not just us. Apparently 6-year-olds get pretty aggro over the Kardashians too. Check out this great drawing depicting our innermost emotions. (Warming Glow)
Friends With You, Miami's colorful and creative artist collective, has helped define the Miami art and design scene — which is why we are especially bummed to hear the balloon-like creatures are moving on to greener pastures. (Miami New Times)
Miami's top bloggers and social media experts got together at the Marlins' first Social Media Lounge, which looked way more like a sexy party than a tweet-up. (The 305)
Zac Efron sports a kind of cute, kind of creepy mustache for The Paperboy, a movie about a Miami Times reporter tracking a death row case. (Just Jared Jr.)
Get out your frosted mugs, because a truck on I-95 flipped, spilling 55,000 pounds of frothy beer everywhere. (Huffington Post)

Photo: Via Miami New Times