Michael Cunningham’s 5 Summer Must-Reads (The Guy Won A Pulitzer!)

UPDATE: Looks like it's a good weekend to snuggle up to your good friend, the book. Yes, remember him, the one you ditched post-college? Take advantage of the weather and get really cozy with an expert-recommended read. This article was originally published June 13.
We obviously like to party, but that doesn't mean we can't take it easy, too. You know, cuddle up with a nice summer book (and sure, a glass of rose, too). But as far as knowing which read to get cozy with, there's no better literary guru to turn to than Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Cunningham. Since we've lost days to his epic tomes — The Hours, A Home At The End Of The World, Specimen Days — we thought his own reading list would prove to be more than inspiring. Luckily, the author obliged (and told us why!) get your bookmark tool ready. From the best children's book that's not just for kids, to the contemporary Austen novel, to the guilty pleasure series everyone's talking about, these novels are easy and total musts for the beach (or the rooftop), but aren't your average chick-lit fare. R29 book club, anyone?
Click through for five summer must-reads c/o the brilliant Michael Cunningham.

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