First Look: Bravo’s New Geeks-Gone-Wild Reality Show, “Silicon Valley”

Silicon Valley on BRAVO
We suppose it was only a matter of time before Bravo's all-seeing eye turned itself upon our very own mega-influential backyard of Silicon Valley. And now we kinda-sorta get to see the reality giant's take on the matter in this fresh-off-the-editing-floor clip of the upcoming season of the tentatively called...well...Silicon Valley.
Fast forward to the 1:22 mark and it goes a little something like this: "Being a geek is like being the new rock stars," a slightly grammar-challenged British blonde explains, before a picture flashes of her (or somene who looks like her) dancing on a table with a shirtless man at some nightclub that we didn't know existed in Silicon Valley. Then, that signature Bravo voiceover chimes in: "Bravo's following these hot young professionals with big dreams on the road to becoming techy superstars," interspersed with frames of geeks toasting glasses and a guy driving a fancy car. "Some of the brightest minds in the world are right here," says a dude. "Silicon Valley is high school, but it's only the smart kids and everyone has a lot of money," says a girl. The video pans through images of five probable cast members (four guys, one girl) and that's all she wrote, folks.

Obviously, you can count on us to be glued to the boob tube as soon as this program goes live, especially knowing that Mark Zuckerberg's sister
Randi Zuckerberg
is behind it all. Mashable also suspects that the following Bay Area residents are the ones being profiled: Futureleap's Marcus Lovingood, The Rainmakers' Ben Way, The New Web and Newspepper's Hermione Way,'s Dwight Crow, and Ampush Media's Kim Taylor.

Supposedly at least some of the cast members were scouted through this Craigslist ad from last year, that breathlessly wondered aloud, "Maybe you just got your break working at one of the biggest Internet companies burning through the late-night hours and partying in the even later ones?" Um....yes, folks, this should be a doozy — even if it's a total train wreck. Oh yeah, and there are also nine other new Bravo shows in development. Read about them all here.

Photo: Via

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