This Is Our Jam: Peaking Lights, “All The Sun That Shines”

While dub has recently expanded into an almost limitless sea of genre variations, there are few types of music that hold closer to a singular, originally conceived theme. The word “dub” itself comes from “dubbing” preexisting tracks to jack up re-verb and bass. Put simply: To dub is to copy. So, that Peaking Lights fall squarely in this tradition of repetition shouldn’t be held against them. “All the Sun that Shines” pushes seven minutes, and loops the same simple lyric ad nauseum. The track’s sun-baked haze brings to mind a stoned-on-the-beach vibe that would place nicely on a Soul Jazz compilation, and has the comfortable analog production of a Studio One classic. There’s a heavy '60s psychedelia influence here too, with some psychoactive Jefferson Airplane atop the throbbing Lee “Scratch” Perry bassline. As the song progresses, the juicy riddim becomes hypnotic, and “All the sun that shines / shines for you” begins to seem strangely profound.

Peaking Lights—936
"All the Sun That Shines"

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