Five Questions With Rex Ray, Plus A DODO iPad Case Giveaway!

Locals unite! DODOcase, the S.F.-based e-reader case-maker that's been called the best in the world (thanks to its old-school bookbinding methods), has announced its first-ever collaboration, this time with much celebrated Bay Area artist Rex Ray. (See a cute video on the project here!) Want to own the fruits of their collective labor? Just leave a comment below telling us about your favorite S.F.-based maker (from any field of work!) and the best comment wins this DODOcase x Rex Ray iPad case! Okay, on to the Q&A.

Why did you decide to collaborate with DODOcase?
“I loved the product the moment I saw it. I was also intrigued by the use of old bookbinding techniques in the construction of the DODO case, and I love working with local companies.”

What was your inspiration for the design?

“I was just going after something simple and bold and identifiably ‘me.’”

What was the design process like in this collaboration?
“My work seemed naturally suited to the DODO case, so the process was pretty fluid. I went for a simpler composition that would render well on the surface of the case. I tend to always overdo it and create a lot of options in the beginning of any project, so the big challenge I’m confronted with is always ‘which one?’”

Where can fans find you bumming around in the Bay?

“You can find me at Four Barrel Coffee on Valencia just about everyday at 4 p.m. I love those guys and the coffee is exceptional. I’m a compulsive record buyer so I love, love, love Streetlights Records on Market and Amoeba on Haight. And I love a good dinner at Burma Superstar on Clement Street.”

Any other projects coming up?

“Right now I’m working on paintings for a couple of upcoming exhibits—one in July in Santa Fe and another in the fall at Gallery 16 in San Francisco.”

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