Chicago may be known for its amazing cuisine and stunning architecture, but sadly, it's our insanely high crime rate that's putting us on the map these days. It seems like there's a reported shooting — or several — every day, which prompts us to ask, "When is this going to get under control?" Well, according to President Obama, it just may be "the new normal."
Obama addressed Chicago's neighborhood violence at two appearances over the weekend, using recent shootings — like the 13-person tragedy in Back of the Yards — as an example of what he fears is "a national acceptance of a 'new normal' of gun-involved mayhem," reports DNAinfo Chicago. Blaming the easy nature of obtaining a gun as part the problem, Obama said, "These mass shootings occur against a backdrop of daily tragedies, as an epidemic of gun violence tears apart communities across America — from the streets of Chicago to neighborhoods not far from here."
No matter how you feel about gun control, we think everyone is in agreement that the innocent people who lost their lives is a major motivator to get things cleaned up — and fast. After all, it's our pizza and Midwest hospitality we want to be known for, right?
Click here to read the entire story on DNAinfo Chicago.