Exercise May Prevent Depression — Lace Up Them Sneakers

Sad2_HorizontalIllustrated by Isabelle Rancier.
You've probably heard that physical activity can help you get out of a funk, but according to a review by PhD candidate George Mammen published in the October issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, busting a move on a regular basis can actually help you prevent depression in the long run, too.

As if that wasn't enough to get you to lace up your running shoes, you need not spend endless hours in the gym either. In fact, Mammen analyzed over 26 years of research to conclude that even moderate levels of activity for just 20 to 30 minutes a day can do the trick. This information is music to the ears of mental-health experts who are seeking an alternative to treating depression beyond pricey meds.
“Our health system is taxed. We need a prevention strategy now more than ever,” says Mammen.

Of course, you can't change your genetic makeup, but there's absolutely no harm in staying — or becoming — physically active. After all, slipping into those skinny jeans would put any gal in a good mood. (University of Toronto)

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