Double Dating Can Be Good For Your Relationship

DoubleDating_slideIllustrated by Sydney Hass.
Forget couple's therapy. According to research reported by Science Daily, one of the fastest ways you can help your relationship is by going on a double date. It's suggested that passion is one of the first aspects of love to fizzle. So, by broadening our social horizons, we can trigger that not-so eternal flame.
As proof positive, two studies of roughly 150 couples used what is known as the "Fast Friends" activity, which is basically a speedy, 45-minute method of getting to know others beyond their favorite food and color. The researchers concluded that the deeper the question or task (i.e. advice on personal problems), the closer the bond among strangers and friends. "The more that the other couple responds to your self-disclosures in a validating and caring way when on a double date, the more passionate you feel about your own relationship," said Keith Welker, a doctoral student at Wayne State University, to Science Daily.
And, then there's the stress of the whole wedding bells issue. How you view your S.O. in terms of commitment can have a serious effect on your health — married and dating couples alike. So, as cliché as it sounds, the more support you have from your partner (and vice versa), the more likely it is that you'll have a relationship that is good for your mind, body, and soul. While we'd like to think that's the intention all couples have, sometimes it's nice to have a reminder. Click here to view the entire study in detail. (Science Daily)

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