Zoe Levin Won’t Let James Franco Intimidate Her

Imagine sharing top billing with Emma Roberts and James Franco, two celebrities with whom the media is endlessly fascinated. Imagine, also, being an entirely normal Midwestern girl, who spends weekends in Chicago and went to college for communications. Oh, and then there are the early film roles with actors like Steve Carell (The Way, Way Back) and Viola Davis (2010's Trust).
Zoe Levin has that particular type of charm of a girl who isn't interested in Hollywood insomuch as acting, and would rather tell a great story than be a fleeting It Girl. And, with two of the most talked about films at Tribeca under her belt — Palo Alto, the scandalous film behind Franco's Instagram notoriety, and Beneath The Harvest Sky, starring a veritable who's who of Hollywood up-and-comers, Levin is walking a rare path in Hollywood — one that leads to a long and incredible career.

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