The Decade In Wellness, From Spiralised ‘Courgetti’ To Beach Body Ready

A decade ago, wellness wasn't really A Thing. Sift back through articles from the health sections of newspapers and magazines in the 2000s and you come across one of two things; a serious news piece about the smoking ban or the NHS, or a shitshow of an article talking about a reality TV star's cellulite and the highly unappetising diet to follow to ensure that you didn't end up as a grainy photo on the cover of a magazine with a big red circle around your bottom.
Fast forward a few years and oh boy, what a different story. Yes, the past ten years have been huge in terms of political surprises and the worldwide adoption of social media but the 2010s (the teens? the tens? Whatever) have belonged to wellness, a thing that went from not really existing as a coherent concept 10 years ago, to an industry now worth $4.2 trillion.
So, how did this happen? Well, for starters, we wised up. The science was there, and it was stupid to ignore it any longer; binge drinking and gym avoidance was making us feel like crap, so why do it? But the main thing that catapulted wellness into becoming one of the biggest topics of conversation, both for better (talking about mental health! stopping smoking!) and for worse (anti-vaxxers! clean eating!) is social media. And wow, what an impact it has had.
Follow us as we take you on journey through health, diet, fitness and beyond over the past ten years, from Gwyneth Paltrow to spiralisers, fake cancer diagnoses to the joyful recognition of more and more people publicly identifying as their preferred gender.

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