The Great No-Shampoo Experiment

Talk to any woman today about her hair-cleansing routine and she is bound to have some very strong feelings on the subject of how often to wash and with what. It seems that shampoo has become Public Enemy No. 1 to a good portion of the hair-having population.
While the majority of us have been weaned on the concept of shampoo being the way to total hair happiness — they don't call it shampoo-ad hair for nothing — many cleanse-free advocates are saying shampoo actually makes your hair look worse, stripping the scalp of its natural oils and causing the hair shaft to be dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.
We've heard so many tales of girls who kicked their cleansers to the curb and uncovered the hair of their dreams, but our brains have had a hard time seeing just how this works. Won't our hair just get hella greasy and limp? How will we survive without that squeaky-clean feeling? What do you do after you work out and get all sweaty?
Our curiosity got the better of us, so we asked three of our lovely editors to go shampoo-free for two weeks and document their experiences. The three ladies, all with different hair textures and types, were given alternative cleansing options including cleansing conditioner and the infamous baking soda and ACV rinse. Well, two of them were given alternatives, one of them was handed a bottle of dry shampoo and our deepest sympathies (sorry, Diana!).
Read on to find out what happened when three girls decided to undergo The Great No-Shampoo Experiment.

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