Your Horoscope This Week

We start our week with our mission in focus as the moon waxes in practical Capricorn on Sunday until 7.25pm. Gather your strength at home as you prepare to move through the world. The moon enters independent Aquarius at 11.42pm on Sunday, leading us into the week with a strong sense of self. Use this positive energy to enjoy some alone time and put your energy towards learning new skills or picking up a new book. It could be challenging to centre yourself on Monday when thought ruler Mercury opposes innovative Uranus. Practise collecting your thoughts and let yourself explore more creative pursuits as these planets work against each other. Beware of power struggles on Monday, when the sun squares against taskmaster Saturn. It could be hard to understand the perspectives of others as these heavenly bodies clash. Make the most of this transit by pushing through procrastination — it’s time to get the job done. We’re ready to get serious when it comes to love, starting on Tuesday when sensual Venus enters passionate Scorpio. This transit intensifies our attitude towards ideas surrounding abundance, love and aesthetics. Need to recharge your emotional batteries? Hit the hay early on Tuesday night and rejuvenate yourself while the moon goes void-of-course at 2.26pm. VOC moons are a wonderful opportunity to press pause and recentre yourself. We’ll be ready to spring into action on Wednesday when the moon waxes in receptive Pisces at 1.05pm. This phase is a beautiful time to get in touch with your emotions and to be vulnerable to those you love. Channel your energy into creative pursuits that allow you to get in touch with your romantic side. On Saturday, flirtatious Venus opposes chaotic Uranus creating a few sparks on the dating scene. If you’re single, this could be an exciting time to start a fling. Enjoy the moment and keep your options open. If you’re attached, watch out for unnecessary drama during this transit, as people are more than likely to go to extremes. The weekend will be anything but laid-back as the moon waxes into fiery Aries at 12.45pm on Saturday. Take advantage of this phase by putting your energy towards starting new projects, enjoying the autumn weather and connecting with nature.
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