The Best Anti-Frizz Hair Products, According To The Pros

a person facing away from the camera, their hair tied in a low pony tail using a silk scarf
Photo: Christian Vierig/Getty Images.
As much as we wish the solution to all our hair problems came in a single miracle bottle (and one available at a bargain-basement price, at that), more often than not it takes the right cocktail of a routine — starting with shampoo and straight through to a flyaway-smoothing serum — to achieve your personal ideal of air-dried perfection.
But then, just when you think you've got your regimen down to a science, the whole delicate process falls completely out of whack the second the humidity spikes. "Frizzy hair usually requires more than one product," says celebrity hairstylist Garren. "It can’t just be a shampoo-and-go solution — you need a prescription. Then, you'll adapt the levels and into the formulation that works for you."
While there's no one-size-fits-all cure for frizz, there are a few helpful products that can make a huge difference. We asked some celebrity hairstylists to share their arsenal of humidity-blocking serums and shine lotions for a wide range of hair types. Ahead, their favourite formulations, and a foolproof guide to nixing your frizz before the muggy air tries to mess with your good hair days.
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