R29 Editors On The Nostalgic Things They Turn To For Comfort

Photographed by Erika Long.
It's a scary time. The headlines in the news feel particularly bad at the moment, so it's normal to feel overwhelmed by the state of world, unsure of what exactly to do about it.
Nostalgia isn't a cure-all, but it is comforting and we all deserve a slice of that. Also, nostalgia seems to be all around us: in the UK, Britpop and boy bands from the 90s and 00s are making comebacks; sports fashion brands are launching 90s revivals; there's interest in printed magazines from those decades too, from podcasts to full-on exhibitions. Collectively, we're looking back.
The past has never been perfect, and of course, nostalgia has a way of creating rose-tinted vision. But when the outlook seems so bleak right now, looking to our childhoods has been proven to boost our wellbeing.
Sometimes nothing soothes like a trip down memory lane, and these are how R29's editors do it.

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