The Full Strawberry Moon In Sagittarius Means It’s Time For Role Play

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The full moon in Sagittarius is here, and it’s also a Strawberry Moon. The full moon gets a different nickname each month, based on Algonquin naming traditions. The full moons in June is called a Strawberry Moon because it coincides with the strawberry harvest. Less common nicknames for this month’s full moon, based on old European naming traditions, are the Mead Moon, Honey Moon, and Rose Moon.
The moon will become full early on Monday, June 17, at 4:31AM, according to NASA, but it will appear full from Saturday night through Tuesday morning. In astrology, the full moon appears in Sagittarius, a sign known for a love of adventure.
"June’s full moon is one of the happiest and more meaningful of 2019. Happening in the lively and enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius, this moon is being influenced by expansive Jupiter and dreamy Neptune, bringing a sense of abundance and optimism that will remain for the next two weeks," explains Narayana Montufar, lead astrologer at
During this full moon, our intuitions and our enthusiasm will be heightened. "People can expect to feel a surge of curiosity and fiery enthusiasm as well as a download of incredible messages in the form of intuition," Montufar says. "The best way to channel this dynamic combination is keeping an open mind to the new adventures life is currently offering us while keeping ourselves from overdoing or overly idealising the result. Yes, things can easily get out of hand during the days surrounding this full moon — when the lines between reality and fantasy can get easily blurred."
This full moon also brings good news for our love lives, says astrologer Lisa Stardust. Its placement "will make us all intrigued and fascinated with glamour — and yes, role playing,” she says. “It’s time to get your high heeled boots out of the closet and assume your new identity.”
You'll have luck when it comes to a partner for your role play, too. “You may meet someone exciting and new, if you’re single,” Stardust says. “If you're attached, you may have fun exploring your relationship on a deeper level.”
Role playing doesn’t have to be limited to the bedroom, either. “It’s nice to be someone else, if only for a moment, to escape the humdrum of life,” Stardust says. “Fantasy and illusion will be at a high in the days before and after the full moon, which is why it’s essential to embrace the energy, rather than run from it. Stepping out of the box and taking on a larger-than-life persona will help anchor the cosmic energy. We can also expect to let go of outdated views and ways of thinking, in place of enlightenment.”
But of course, there is a drawback to all this glamour. “Deception (and this includes self-deception) can be at a high, depending on the energy we are working with,” Stardust says.
For the most part, however, this full moon will be a positive one. “With this luminary shedding light on the Galactic Centre, we can embrace our dreams, protect our hearts from negativity, and see the truth deep within (that has remained hidden until now),” Stardust explains.

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