Tilda Swinton Leads 1,500 People In A Dance, Restoring Our Faith In Humanity

Last week was hard. But within these trying, taxing times, it's important to remember that there are good people bringing joy, humor, and cheer into the world.
As a former Chicagoan, this writer felt tears well up when film hero Roger Ebert passed. But for his 15th Annual Ebert Fest, which includes handpicked movies from the cinema-lover himself, goddess-of-all-that-is-strange-and-wonderful Tilda Swinton appeared. She could have given an emotional eulogy commemorating Ebert, she could have thanked him for his continued support, but instead, she celebrated life. Along with Ebert's widow Chaz (who introduced Swinton), Tilda Swinton led a dance-along through the audience to Barry White. Just unpack the deliciousness of that sentence, and watch, and let your heart swell. (Jezebel)

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