Courtside Beauties: The Women Behind Our 7 Favorite Tennis Pros

When Andy Murray beat out Novak Djokovic today to claim the top spot at Wimbledon and secure bragging rights for all of the United Kingdom, there was one thing that truly choked us up (besides his heartfelt speech): His girlfriend. Seeing Kim Sears in the stands alongside Murray's mother, cheering her heart out, got us wondering — just who are these amazing (and beautiful!) women who keep our favorite tennis pros going?
We see the cameras pan past them during tense points or gracious speeches, but we'd like to take the time to point out each and every one of these leading ladies. They say that behind every great man there's an even greater woman, and we've learned that our favorite tennis stars are no exception. Click through to find out the women to thank for those breathtaking Grand Slam moments.
Photo: Ray Tang/Rex USA

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