The 14 Most Heartwarmingly Funny Celebrity Twitter Feeds

Sure, Twitter is great for up-to-the-minute breaking news and issues of the day, but we all need to have a little fun once in a while. And, as the resident social media gurus around these parts (a fancy alias for addicts), we consider ourselves well-versed on, well, wasting time on Twitter. Scrolling through our feeds every morning hour, we're inundated with all kinds of link outs, gossip, and unsolicited advice.
While we don't deny the necessity of these tweets, sometimes it's nice to break up the doldrums with something a little more, well, upbeat. That said, there's no better place to look for funny, heartwarming tidbits than Twitter's A-listers. Our favorite celebrities might be best on the silver screen, but they're also pretty good at dishing out 140 characters and under. Ahead, we've chosen the 14 best Twitter feeds to put a smile on your face.

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