Scarlett Johansson Is Esquire’s Sexiest Woman…And Nobody’s Fool

Scarlett Johansson is the only woman to have ever received the title of "Sexiest Woman In The World" from Esquire twice. The first time was in 2006, when she was only 21 and best known for her role in Lost In Translation. And now — seven years later, one marriage down (and an impending marriage to go), and a fully realized career to boot.
"I'm the only woman to win it twice, right?" she asks rhetorically, explaining why she agreed to speak with Esquire. In the interview, Johansson is coy, funny, witty, and, of course, totally alluring. The actress always has something to say, peppered with that rapid-fire wit that comes with being a born-and-bred New Yorker, but let's call a spade a spade, shall we? There is a concerted reason that Joseph Gordon-Levitt cast her as the ultimate "dime" in Don Jon, the same reason Woody Allen makes her his go-to muse: She's the textbook definition of "sexy." Like, the type of sensuality that is usually associated with the bygone era of classic cinema or, say, a multi-million dollar perfume commercial.
But, the newly engaged actress remaining firmly grounded after spending nearly a decade being told that she is the standard of Hollywood va-va-voom. "You know, I gotta hustle. I'm a twenty-eight-year-old woman in the movie business, right? Pretty soon the roles you're offered all become mothers. Then they just sort of stop. I have to hedge against that with work — theater, producing, this thing with Esquire." Yes, ScarJo is definitely a hustler, but slowly creeping towards irrelevancy she definitely is not. (Esquire)

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