A lot of restaurants will go to extremes to keep their menus fresh, exciting, and dare we say, gimmicky. But, for rock-and-roll themed restaurant Kuma's Corner in Chicago, it's not about having the biggest, hottest, or most exotic dish. It's about getting some religion — literally.
The burger emporium created a controversial October special called the "Ghost," a beef and goat patty topped with an unconsecrated communion wafer and red-wine reduction sauce — tasty to some; tasteless to most. The burger was named after the Swedish band Ghost B.C., who makes Robert Smith look like a puppy dog compared to these skeleton-faced lads donning red wares like a Roman Catholic cardinal. According to Neon Tommy, the Kuma’s Corner’s Facebook page states that the Ghost burger is “in the spirit of our undying reverence for the Lord and all things holy...we think it is a fitting tribute to the supreme blasphemous activities carried out by the band itself.”
While Kuma's stands behind its decision to execute the burger the way it did (even going so far as to claim it has the right to do so under the First Amendment), Neon Tommy also reports that Kuma’s Corner is donating $1,500 to the Catholic Charities of the Chicago Archdiocese. If you want to see this controversial creation yourself, the Ghost burger is still available at the Belmont location until the end of October. Click here to read the entire story on Neon Tommy.