An OkCupid For Dogs? Yes, Really

emIllustrated by Austin Watts.
Getting a dog is as easy as heading to the pet store or a shelter. However, there's a heck of a lot more that goes into choosing a pooch than adorable looks alone. We're talking about disposition, shedding frequency (get out that vacuum), and even living-space requirements. But, since it's not as though you can give Fido an interview, there's a new app that covers every single base to ensure you find the pup of your dreams.
Enter: the Perfect Dog, an app that helps you find your canine counterpart using algorithms similar to dating sites like OkCupid. While you're obviously not dating a dog, you'll be able to drill down the details so you wind up with a perfect match. Caroline Moss, a reporter for Business Insider, gave Perfect Dog a test run by typing in criteria like minimal shedding, sociable, and good for a city apartment. The app then presented Moss with a report outlining her best and the worst matches — boom! Seriously, if dating really was that easy, maybe we wouldn't have gone out with so many, um, dogs. (Business Insider)

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