Today Is 11/12/13: Go Get Married, Or Something

Special_Wedding_DatesIllustrated by Ly Ngo.
The first question out of everyone's mouth when someone announces an engagement is "have you set a date yet?" For some, the decision is made based on things like budget (i.e., the venue is cheaper on a Friday) and availability. But, according to a David's Bridal survey reported by USA Today, 40% of brides would consider planning their big day on a special date — like today, 11/12/13.
Whether it's because it looks cute on an invitation or you'll never forget the date you tied the knot, David's Bridal estimates that more than 3,300 are getting married this very day. Considering it's Tuesday, we have to believe that the sequence of numbers has a greater influence than we think. In fact, Brian Mills, general manager or Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel told USA Today that his chapel will conduct 65 weddings today — that's 58 more compared to last Tuesday.

As if that isn't crazy enough, according to
Central New York
, Dairy Queen is giving away $30 gift cards for an ice cream wedding cake to anyone getting married today — how's that for an incentive? But, gimmicks aside, couples like Blake Clerke and her fiancé Kyle Smith told the "Today" show that they chose 11/12/13 to get married in Florida "because no one would forget the date, plus the numbers gave them 'cool typography" for their wedding invitations."

The next sequential date on the calendar is 12/13/14. After that, the next chance to have a cleverly numeric wedding isn't until 2103. (USA Today)

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