Kentucky Fried Chicken Candles: Real, & In High Demand

2Photo: Courtesy of Kentucky For Kentucky.
We're not sure why you'd want your home to smell like fried chicken, but apparently there are at least 25 people out there who couldn't refuse the idea. Kentucky for Kentucky, an online retailer specializing in Kentucky products, launched a collection of candles called "Scents of the Commonwealth" and, in less than one minute, the entire collection sold out.
The Fried-Chicken scented candles were one of three available scents: The others were Kentucky Derby (mint julep) and Ale 8 (the citrus-ginger soft drink). It's worth noting the Colonel has not endorsed these as official KFC candles. So, faced with the reality of this situation, we've gotta wonder: Were the Fried Chicken candles scooped up so quickly because of their amazing potential as novelty Christmas gifts? Is lighting a Fried Chicken candle the secret to a successful dinner party? We remain confused. (Eater)

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